Monday, January 27, 2014


from Jerry Buechler

Letters keep bashing President Obama over Obamacare, Benghazi, and the “socialist redistribution of wealth.” The truth is,  “Trickle-Down economics” has benefited 434 U.S. billionaires.  Thirty percent of the Bush tax cuts went to the top 1%.  The result?  The tax cuts financed factories overseas and we have 20 million unemployed or underemployed.  While the inequality boom is booming over 16 million children live in poverty.  “The promise was that when the glass is full, it would overflow, benefiting the poor.  But what happens is that when the glass is full,  it magically gets bigger- nothing ever comes out for the poor,” said, Pope Francis.

Extremists constantly beat the drum of Benghazi.  What FOX (Fact Obstructing  extremism)  omits is that Ambassador Stevens rejected offers from Army Gen. Ham for additional security support, yet under President Bush 13 consulate attacks resulted in 112 deaths including 13 Americans.  U.S. Diplomat David Foy was killed in the Karachi, Pakistan Consulate after two previous attacks there?  Where was the outcry then?   Where was the pursuit of Osama Bin Laden after that Pakistan attack?  
The endless attempt to repeal Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) is hypocritical.  This market-based system was originally promoted by the conservative Heritage Foundation as an alternative to universal coverage.  Its fundamental premises are individual responsibility and market competition.  Its first success occurred under Gov. Mitt Romney with  97% of the people in Massachusetts now having coverage vs 80% of Floridians. Tallahassee turned down $51 billion of our tax dollars over the next decade to cover 1 million uninsured Floridians.  5-6 people per thousand die each year due to lack of coverage.  That’s 5000 Floridians dying needlessly each year due to lack of Medicaid coverage.  Twenty-five states are implementing this part of  Obamacare, why aren’t we?  I guess we just don’t care, even though our President does.

George Iliff calls global warming nonsense even though 97% of scientists disagree with him.  Here’s information from NASA scientists:
  • The heat trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases is proven. 
  • Ice core samples show CO2 levels fluctuating for the last 650,000 years between 180 parts per million and 298 PPM until 1950 when we crossed 300 PPM.
  • Last year we moved past 400 PPM of CO2 in our atmosphere with annual increases over 2 PPM.
  • Even though the 2000s witnessed a solar output decline resulting in an unusually deep solar minimum in 2007-2009, surface temperatures continued to increase.
  • 10 of the warmest years on record have occurred in the last 12 years
  • Global sea levels rose 6.7 inches in the last century.  The rate of the last decade was nearly double that of the last century. 
  • The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 2300 feet showing warming of 0.3 degrees F since 1969.
  • The amount of CO2 absorbed by the upper layer of the ocean is increasing by about 2 billion tons per year with the acidity of the ocean increasing by about 30% since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.  Reefs, a vital part of the ocean food chain, are dying from acidification.
  • Glaciers, which feed rivers supplying fresh water for much of the world, are retreating in the Alps, Himalaya, Andes, Rockies, Alaska, and Africa.
  • In Antarctica sea ice has been increasing by about 1% per decade, but about 100 billion tons of continental ice has been lost per year since 1993, causing the global sea level to rise by about 0.2mm a year.
  • Greenland lost 60 cubic miles of ice in 2012, with a record ice melt last year.  Watch “Chasing Ice”- Netflix

Contact Jerry at:     305-510-4927

What is the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Tar Sands?

from Jerry Buechler
Explaining the Keystone XL Pipeline:
  • The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed 36” diameter pipeline that would transport Canadian tar sands to Gulf coast refineries for export to foreign markets.  The pipeline will cross over thousands of farms and ranches, over 1400 waterways, over the Ogallala aquifer providing 30% of all agricultural water used in the U.S., and within 100 feet of 35 municipal water supplies.
  • The tar sands are petroleum deposits consisting of a mixture of 85% sand and clay, 5% water and 10% bitumen.  Bitumen is a thick, tar-like form of hydrocarbon which when spilled has been impossible to extract from the environment  because it does not float on water like other forms of gas and oil. The largest known bitumen reserve exists in northern Alberta, Canada underneath 54,000 square miles of pristine boreal forest, an area the size of Florida.  Boreal forests store almost twice as much carbon as tropical forests.
  • Extracting and processing tar sands into usable fuel is an energy-intensive process extremely devastating to the environment.  First, forests are clear cut, wetlands are drained and all of the subsoil (mostly peat) is bulldozed away to create gigantic pit-mines often encompassing 50 square miles or more.  The tar sands are then excavated with heavy machinery to the depth of about 100 yards and then washed  with steam and solvents to separate out the bitumen.   Processing of the tar sands  each day utilizes more freshwater than Calgary, Canada uses yearly, and enough natural gas to heat 3 million homes.  Over 90% of the water ends up as toxic wastewater pumped to unlined “tailings ponds” where it seeps into and contaminates the groundwater.  The Canadian organization, Environmental Defense, has called the Alberta tar sands “the most destructive project on earth.’
  • The thick bitumen itself must be diluted with toxic chemicals in order to be able to flow through pipelines to specialized refineries capable of handling the tar sands oil.  The diluted bitumen is highly corrosive to pipelines and even more hazardous to the environment and public health.  A 2010 pipeline rupture in Marshall, Michigan spilled over 840,000 gallons into the Kalamazoo river, poisoning the groundwater, sickening hundreds and resulting in 150 families being permanently relocated.  
  • Producing a barrel of synthetic tar sands oil releases three times more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than conventional oil, not counting the destruction of forests and peat bogs, two of the planet's largest terrestrial carbon sinks. NASA scientist James Hansen says tar sands development is “game over” for the climate.
“Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize that we can’t eat money.”

A  Few will profit while We will lose if the Keystone XL is built

  • Keystone XL will not improve America’s energy security.  The pipeline is designed  to send oil directly to the Texas Gulf coast, and from there to overseas markets.  Canada isn’t producing enough oil to fill existing pipelines to Midwest refineries, which are running half-empty. Recently discovered TransCanada documents predict the pipeline to increase gas prices in the Midwest up to 15 cents a gallon when they skip over refineries in the Midwest, costing U.S. consumers over $2 billion yearly.
  • After the pipeline is finished, the number of full time jobs according to the State Department's’ own study is about 35 yearly.  The 7 billion construction spending could create many more permanent jobs if the money was invested in clean energy technologies such as wind and solar energy.  Over 100,000 workers in the agricultural and tourism sectors contribute several billion to the economies in the Keystone XL pipelines states.  A large tar sand spill puts these workers jobs at risk.
  • The first Keystone pipeline operated by TransCanada spilled 35 times in the U.S and Canada in 2010.  A spill frequency 100 times higher than predicted.  Additives added to the tar sands oil allowing it to flow are very corrosive to the pipelines.  The  2010 spill in the Kalamazoo River has ongoing clean up costs surpassing $1 billion already while residents still complain of headaches, dizziness and nausea.  
  • Canadian government scientists have found that levels of mercury around the region’s tar sands operations are up to 16 times higher than regular levels for the region.  The 7500 square miles impacted are contaminated by airborne mercury emissions originating from oil sands developments according to scientists.
  • Climate Change:  The Keystone XL is the fuse to North America’s biggest carbon bomb.-  In a study funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, a group of retired four-star generals and admirals concluded that climate change, if not addressed, will be the greatest threat to national security as people are uprooted globally by rising seas, destructive fires, erratic weather, windstorms, desertification, and failing crops.
  • TD Bank (Toronto Dominion Bank) has more than 15 billion dollars invested in the expansion of the Alberta tar sands project.  This Canadian bank has a well documented involvement with tar sands corporations Enbridge and TransCanada.  We encourage TD Bank account holders to talk to your TD Bank manager and encourage him to write a letter to the TD CEO, urging him and the Board of Directors to divest their holdings and loans to TransCanada the Canadian energy giant that is developing the Alberta Tar Sands Oil fields.
  • Call on President Obama (202)456-1111 and the State Department (202)261-8081 to reject the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to Texas.  10 Nobel Peace Prize recipients are asking the President  to do the same

Contact Jerry Buechler at      305-510-4927


from Richard Silvestri
Op-Ed submitted to Scripps Newspaper

On Sunday, 01/26/2014, Charles Krauthammer’s column regarded the Keystone XL Pipeline, proposed to move Canadian tar mined from sands in Alberta.  Mr. Krauthammer bends over backwards explaining how shabby we are treating Canadians when delaying approval for this.

First, I have some Canadian friends who knew nothing about this issue until I told them.  The disparity is likely due to the Canadian foreign minister speaking about this treatment to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Most people would assume, as I once did, this group represents the many small businesses-mom and pops, too-throughout the USA.  Not true.  It is a name for a lobby group formed by some of the biggest corporations in this country and, since most have become multinational, throughout the world.  It sounds as if the Canadian gentleman has been prodded by big oil to speak to big business.

Second, Krauthammer states the merits of this project were settled years ago.  Really?  By whom?  Big Oil, maybe.  This is one of the biggest disasters poised to spring.

Third, he says the current State Department review found no significant environmental risk to Keystone.  Of course it didn’t.  The SD hired a company that consults to TransCanada, the company wanting to build the pipeline, to do that review.   “What?” you say.  Your glasses aren’t fogged; you read that right.

Fourth, he refers to the tar sands as a “priceless resource’.  If it’s so priceless, say, like the air we breathe, then why is the oil industry paying money for it?  It shouldn’t be for sale just as neither should be that air we breathe, but with the big-business takeover of government, it will be soon.

Fifth, he states the original route was moved so it would not cross the Ogallala Aquifer.  Wrong.  The revised route WILL cross it.  It was moved to avoid the Sand Hills, a unique, remote and pristine part of the Nebraskan part of The Great Plains that is environmentally sensitive and promoted by Nebraska’s tourism industry for-tourism!  Go to the Bold Nebraska website and see what that group has to say.  “Assuage concerns regarding the Ogallala” he wrote, as if the biggest aquifer in the USA is something to simply dismiss.

Sixth, he mentions China snapping up this oil if Canada sent it to their Pacific Coast.  He fails to mention TransCanada wants to send it south-to be sold overseas to China and elsewhere-but not for sale here in the USA.  It is not going west, or east or north to any of the three coasts of Canada because Canadians don’t want the environmental risk this pipeline, TransCanada with its poor record regarding leaks, and the disgusting tar diluted with carcinogenic chemicals to pass through their nation.  “If the USA will take it, good riddance.” is the real Canadian feeling on Keystone.

Seventh, he states that John Kerry is awaiting another environmental report.  Is it conceivable he is awaiting one in which there is no fox guarding the hen house?

He goes on with its being “Obama’s” (not “President Obama’s”, thus demonstrating his lack of breeding) cave in to the environmental left and appeasing the extreme environmentalists.  Being concerned about the effects this tar fuel will have on our world with its 7-plus billion people is more than being on the left or being an extreme environmentalist.  It is more about being an extreme humanitarian.  That is something Mr. Krauthammer, Fox Cable News which frequently hosts him, and the oil industry that fed him his pseudo facts while supporting Fox Cable News is not.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


from John Debus

Hi everyone,

This is a reminder of our next event. Tuesday January 28, 2014 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the
American Legion Post #40, 810 S. US 1, Fort Pierce, FL. 34950. Please use the front entrance
(on US1). It is the large room on the right side as you come in the front door. Plenty of
parking is on the side of the building. We have water and Green Tea available for free, or you can
purchase drinks from the bar in the next room.

This month we will be showing the new video from Move To Amend, "Legalize Democracy".
The issue of getting the money influence out of our political system is the number one issue.
It leads to all the other problems in our country. As the anniversary of "Citizens United vs. FEC"
passes, we need to reflect on Corporate Personhood, Money as Free Speech and how it affects
our Democracy. Do you care? Does the American people care? Is the country asleep?
Come  watch, listen, add your opinion and help answer these questions and decide on what we
should do to take back our country.

The MLK Parade in Fort Pierce was a great success. Thanks to all you wonderful people who
came, walked with us behind the TCPA banner, and handed out the flyers and cards. We really
had a great time with all the good people of Fort Pierce. Dr. King was one of the greatest leaders
of the Progressive Movement in history. I, myself, cannot think of anyone who has done more
in the history of our country.

The Clean Water Rallies were also successful. Again I like to thank all who came out to the
different sites in support of the Floridian's Clean Water Declaration. We will be taking the signed
declarations to Tallahassee in February. So if you haven't signed it yet, please come on out to our
event. We will have them there. They are trying to get a bus to take us to Tallahassee and as soon
as I have more information, I will past it along. If interested please let me know ASAP.

The NO KXL group met at Richard's house on Saturday. The plans for the Big Action Protest,
are coming together very nicely. We are still waiting for the State Department to make a decision.
We have room for others to join this action if you want to do something about Keystone XL.
Please contact Richard, myself, or reply by e-mail.

The action table at our event is set up for group's information, sign-up sheets, upcoming
events, and petitions. All groups will also have 1-3 minutes at the beginning to tell us
about themselves. You can also contact Kathy or myself to have your events posted
on our web-site happenings page.

Please come out! We need your support to make a difference. Be a part of the experience.
We also would like your feedback on our events and organization. So feel free to
respond to this e-mail. CHECK OUT OUR WEB-SITE;
Check often as many events are posted late with little notice. We post as soon as we
get them. Also check out our blog where many interesting articles and information are posted often.

Thanks for your support,
Take care,
See you Tuesday,


Sunday, January 19, 2014


The Center for Earth Jurisprudence invites you to join us for two special events featuring Jennifer Greene, director of the Water Research Institute of Blue Hill, Maine ( A few spaces are still available for you to experience the creation of a river and explore local springs. Please RSVP soon to participate!

Meandering, Saturday, January 25th: A community experience of creating a river, led by Jennifer Greene. Participants will enjoy a day of exploration and discovery, using clay to mold a riverbed. This is a creative, hands-on event. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day. General Public: $15. Students: $10. Register by e-mailing

Springs Tour, Sunday, January 26th: Come along with Jennifer Greene and local author and conservationist Bill Belleville as they visit local springs and the Little Wekiva River. We will enjoy a beautiful day outdoors and learn more about springs ecosystems and their importance in Central Florida.  Snacks are included. All are invited to this FREE event. RSVP by e-mailing

For further information call (321) 206-5788.     

Jane M. Goddard, Esq.
Associate Director
Center for Earth Jurisprudence
Barry University School of Law
6441 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32807
Phone: (321) 206-5788 - Fax: (321) 206-5662 - -  


Clean Water Rallies will be held in the following City locations.

Stuart at Stuart Memorial Park
11:00am on January 22, 2014
300 SE Ocean Blvd. & Georgia Ave
Stuart, Fl.34994
Contact; Marty Baum (Indian River Keeper) 772-631-5827

Vero Beach at The Willow School
1:00pm on January 22, 2014
950  43rd Ave
Vero Beach, Fl. 32960
Contact: Kristy Polackwich 772-538-9304

Fort Pierce at Ft. Pierce City Marine
11:30am on January 22, 2014
1 Ave A
Fort Pierce, Fl. 34950
Contact: Katy Lewey 772-607-3281

Floridians' Clean Water Declaration Campaign

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


from Richard Silvestri

The PSL Council delayed vote on the feritlizer ord in order to get clarification on penalties for non-compliance and enforcement.  Not certain when it will be on the agenda again; stay tuned or let me know if you find out beforehand.

None of the 10 or so that I notified who came to speak in favor of the fertilizer ord. knew discussion on the Seven50 Plan would be on the agenda.  AC4PR was there in greater numbers than we, but not a huge number of them.  Comm. Martin fostered the agenda item and spoke against the plan first, saying it was against home rule.  At that point only three commissioners were in attendance, Faiella and Berger being the remainder.  With only three minutes to speak unprepared, it is hard to lodge good arguments.  The big reason all three gave for being against was that the big boys down south would overrule us and also that other counties and cities had turned it down with special weight given to the SLC decision.  So now the Seven50 plan appears to become extinct on "Me, too" reasoning.  Although the discussion started out with it appearing the plan was dead in PSL, after several of us spoke the commission delayed further action.  Once again, it is uncertain when it reappears and when for vote.   One thing is certain, with those of us speaking up, the AC4PR knows they again have opposition and is going to be stacking the meetings until the vote is done.  I say "again" because we knew we stood no chance in Republican Martin County and they had no opposition at all there. 

Are we going to just sit here and not put up a fight?  If we are, let me know and I will stop wasting my efforts with this issue.  If we fight, then we need people there, with facts, willing to speak and even those not willing to speak just to be there.  For instance, one of the opponents at the podium asked all against the plan to stand.  It was the entire audience except a half dozen of us.  Pitiful.  I don't know about the rest, but the last time I was that embarrassed was in a dream I had wherein I was walking naked on Times Square.

Richard C. Silvestri

Monday, January 13, 2014


from John Debus

WE NEED TO STOP THE TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). They have started to try an "Fastrack" this through. We need to call our Representative, "As Soon As Possible", and tell them "NO FASTRACK for TPP", the people want to know the DETAILS. This Trade Agreement is an AMERICAN JOBS and RIGHTS KILLER.
Senator Bill Nelson;  561-514-0189 or 202-224-5274
Senator Marco Rubio;   407-254-2573 or 202-224-3041
Congressman Patrick Murphy;; 561-253-8433 or 202225-3026
Congressman Bill Posey; 321-632-1776 or 202225-3671

COMMITMENT TO CLEAN WATER RALLY: At 1 pm on January 22, 2014 at the Willow School at 950 43rd Ave., Vero Beach, 32960. Contact information: Kristy Polackwich, 772-538-9304 or  PLEASE COME OUT AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT. We will be collecting signatures for the  "FLORIDIANS' CLEAN WATER DECLARATION". We will be taking these to Tallahassee in February to demand ACTION. 

St. Lucie County PASSED the STRONG Fertilizer Ordinance, thanks to all the Organizations and people that have worked to make our Lagoon a top priority. WE WON, Thanks to all of you who e-mailed, called, came to the BOCC meeting and/or spoke at the meeting. Our next battles are the Cities of Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie and Stuart for the same/consistent fertilizer Ordinance. COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR RIVER, e-mail or call the Mayor and commissioners. * 7:00PM Monday January 13, 2014 Port St. Lucie Council meeting; 121 S.W. Port St. Lucie Blvd; Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34984
Mayor JoAnn Faiella;  772-871-5159
Commissioner Linda Bartz;  772-871-5159
Commissioner Michelle Berger;  772-871-5159
Commissioner Shannon Martin;  772-871-5159
Commissioner Ron Bowen;  772-871-5159
Please tell them that you SUPPORT the Strong Fertilizer Ordinance.

Thanks for all your support,
Take care,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


from Richard Silvestri

A September 19, 1993 Sun-Sentinel headline reads: 1926 Miami, The Blow that Broke the Boom. I had heard the stories from Dad how that storm had destroyed his and the fortune of thousands of others. The biggest reason given by historians-and Dad-was that people had wildly speculated in land in pyramid-scheme fashion. They concluded with how the 1926 Miami hurricane collapsed the whole Florida real estate market, because in a blink of the eye people became fearful and dumped their properties on the market while buyers headed back north. In Only Yesterday, written in the 1930s, Frederick Lewis Allen also explained the Florida real estate collapse citing that hurricane and the Prince Vladimir capsized by it and blocking the Port of Miami’s shipping channel, and a Florida East Coast Railway embargo, all of which were the final blows to Florida’s economy and major factor in creating the Great Depression. Allen’s book has been a reference for historians writing of The Great Depression. But they were wrong because he, the other historians and Dad did not know the true story locked away for over 50 years. Raymond Vickers, an attorney with a PhD in Economics, is an adjunct history professor at FSU. He wrote in 1994 Panic in Paradise, Florida’s Banking Crash of 1926. Vickers recounts the incredulous Florida banking laws which outlaw transparency of bank examiner findings of Florida banks. Not until a bank has failed can its records become public-but only after 50 years, thus explaining the copyright date of his book. He revealed outright theft of depositor’s money-money from Dad, my wife’s family, widows, children and the disabled dependent upon their savings, only to have it squandered by millionaire-crook-bankers masquerading as professional elites. The thievery connected then US Vice-President Dawes with Addison Mizner and George Merrick, developers of Boca Raton and Coral Gables, respectively, but who became bank officers all. They took depositor’s funds for their own personal use and/or investment in speculative real estate and other deals. Had they been honest, the history of Florida would be happier and a more prosperous state today would have resulted. Meanwhile those bankers lived and died rich; depositors lived and died poor. In 1994 Vickers was motivated to write because of the 1980’s Savings and Loan Fiasco. He wrote before the 2008 Wall Street Meltdown, but it is very easy to see the parallels. Some see my writings as demonization of the wealthy out of jealousy. Surely, I wouldn’t mind being wealthier. But as Vickers reminds, history repeats itself. With lessons from the past such as bankers using the deposits of many little people which amounts to lots of money for the bankers paying paltry returns for the use of same while using those depositors money to build their own wealth to astronomical heights. It was all abetted by political patronage so government officials would look away. Worse, the banking laws have not changed. I just summarized Vickers’s book for you. That is why I indict the oil industry wealth of the Koch Brothers who buy elections with propaganda. Vice President Dawes was also in the oil industry. It raises to question the Wall Street bankers and the bankers at TD Bank-excuse me, Toronto Dominion Bank and TD Ameritrade or rather Toronto Dominion Ameritrade for their paltry returns to depositors and excessive fees to common investors like you and me while they finance the oil industry to make even bigger profits such as with the Keystone XL Pipeline. Meanwhile consumers find it hard to get mortgages and small business people to get loans. Meanwhile the average people, the so-called 99 per cent, are left with a polluted earth and no money to seek social and earth justice. Am I jealous and paranoid? Is Professor Raymond Vickers? I highly recommend the reading of his book. Then give me your answer.


from Reid Friedson

Rick Scott, Ken Pruitt, and Ed Massey should be prosecuted for violating Florida's open government laws and other federal and state laws as documented in filings with the Florida Commission on Ethics and the Florida Human Relations Commission. Both commissions ignore the public trust. I recently learned the Florida Commission on Ethics dismissed all 30 claims before it on December 18, 2013. Corrupt.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


from Nancy Stiefel

January’s Social Justice Film is Last Call at the Oasis.  This documentary presents a powerful argument for why the global water crisis will be the central issue facing our world this century.  Water is the Earth's most valuable resource. Our cities are powered by it, agriculture and other industries depend on it, and all living things need it to survive. But instead of treating our water sources with care, we've allowed them to become polluted with toxic chemicals and agricultural and industrial waste. And it is very possible that in the near future, there won't be enough water to sustain life on the planet. 

Jennie Punter of the Toronto Globe and Mail says:  “There is nothing dry about Last Call at the Oasis, an engaging, informative, and fast-flowing documentary exploring the global water crisis.  While aimed at U.S. audiences, the film also includes stories from Australia, Asia, South America and, most interestingly, the Middle East, where a water shortage in one region is making allies of political foes.”

The public is invited to attend this 2011 documentary from Participant Media, the company responsible for An Inconvenient Truth, Food, Inc. and Waiting For “Superman.”   Pelican Island Audubon Society activists Richard and Juanita Baker will facilitate the discussion after the film which was featured at the 2012 Florida Audubon Society Conference.  The Fellowship’s Fair Trade Corner will be open one-half hour prior to the film.