Monday, January 27, 2014


from Richard Silvestri
Op-Ed submitted to Scripps Newspaper

On Sunday, 01/26/2014, Charles Krauthammer’s column regarded the Keystone XL Pipeline, proposed to move Canadian tar mined from sands in Alberta.  Mr. Krauthammer bends over backwards explaining how shabby we are treating Canadians when delaying approval for this.

First, I have some Canadian friends who knew nothing about this issue until I told them.  The disparity is likely due to the Canadian foreign minister speaking about this treatment to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  Most people would assume, as I once did, this group represents the many small businesses-mom and pops, too-throughout the USA.  Not true.  It is a name for a lobby group formed by some of the biggest corporations in this country and, since most have become multinational, throughout the world.  It sounds as if the Canadian gentleman has been prodded by big oil to speak to big business.

Second, Krauthammer states the merits of this project were settled years ago.  Really?  By whom?  Big Oil, maybe.  This is one of the biggest disasters poised to spring.

Third, he says the current State Department review found no significant environmental risk to Keystone.  Of course it didn’t.  The SD hired a company that consults to TransCanada, the company wanting to build the pipeline, to do that review.   “What?” you say.  Your glasses aren’t fogged; you read that right.

Fourth, he refers to the tar sands as a “priceless resource’.  If it’s so priceless, say, like the air we breathe, then why is the oil industry paying money for it?  It shouldn’t be for sale just as neither should be that air we breathe, but with the big-business takeover of government, it will be soon.

Fifth, he states the original route was moved so it would not cross the Ogallala Aquifer.  Wrong.  The revised route WILL cross it.  It was moved to avoid the Sand Hills, a unique, remote and pristine part of the Nebraskan part of The Great Plains that is environmentally sensitive and promoted by Nebraska’s tourism industry for-tourism!  Go to the Bold Nebraska website and see what that group has to say.  “Assuage concerns regarding the Ogallala” he wrote, as if the biggest aquifer in the USA is something to simply dismiss.

Sixth, he mentions China snapping up this oil if Canada sent it to their Pacific Coast.  He fails to mention TransCanada wants to send it south-to be sold overseas to China and elsewhere-but not for sale here in the USA.  It is not going west, or east or north to any of the three coasts of Canada because Canadians don’t want the environmental risk this pipeline, TransCanada with its poor record regarding leaks, and the disgusting tar diluted with carcinogenic chemicals to pass through their nation.  “If the USA will take it, good riddance.” is the real Canadian feeling on Keystone.

Seventh, he states that John Kerry is awaiting another environmental report.  Is it conceivable he is awaiting one in which there is no fox guarding the hen house?

He goes on with its being “Obama’s” (not “President Obama’s”, thus demonstrating his lack of breeding) cave in to the environmental left and appeasing the extreme environmentalists.  Being concerned about the effects this tar fuel will have on our world with its 7-plus billion people is more than being on the left or being an extreme environmentalist.  It is more about being an extreme humanitarian.  That is something Mr. Krauthammer, Fox Cable News which frequently hosts him, and the oil industry that fed him his pseudo facts while supporting Fox Cable News is not.

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