Sunday, February 24, 2013


We had an enlightening evening with David Cobb of Move to Amend on Thursday, who reviewed American history and the meaning of the constitution, and why, legally, corporations can’t be people. Back in 1789, for a corporation to get a charter, the process was similar to getting a law passed today, and had to be approved by the governor. Legally, the corporation existed to serve the people and was a means to put private money to public good. The typical length of a charter ran from two to no more than twenty years. Today, not one Fortune 500 company would qualify as a corporation under the original definition. Now, legally considered a person, the government serves corporations, rather than the people with whom power constitutionally resides. In essence, corporations have stolen the power of the people and the result is the inequality, poverty and lack of support for the many, in favor of protecting the profits of the few. For more information go to Journalist Anthony Westbury has also written an excellent article about the effort to amend the constitution to correct the fallacy that corporations are people and that money is free speech.

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