Friday, October 11, 2013


from Richard Silvestri

The BOCC has allocated an hour of the Tues, October 15th meeting at 9 a.m. for AC4PR to explain what their organization is all about.  First, this group has had hours and hours making statements to the BOCC at public meetings.  The rest of us on the 15th will be given five (5) minutes each for a comment.  It would be very desirable if as many of us as possible showed up, listened and then commented even if for a few seconds each. 

Before doing that we all should be informed.  That means going to the American Coalition For Property Rights (AC4PR) website and reading the info posted there.  It also means going to and reading the information there.  In that way each of us will be prepared to speak intelligently and factually regarding what AC4PR and Seven50 are and are not.

John Debus, Jerry Buechler and I on Sept 28th attended an "Informational" meeting of AC4PR in Palm City.  It will be very interesting to see if their presentation to the BOCC is the same one (or even parts of it) we saw and heard in Palm City.  If it is no,t it should be asked by us:  Why not?  If it is-they will be laughed out of the chambers.  I am betting on the former. 

Art Appisomian has researched AC4PR  and finds it could be a creation of Karl Rove.  I felt it was a creation of the Koch Bros.  Regardless, we all know Koch Bros, Rove, FCN, Murdoch, Tea Party, AFP, The HF, The HI, The Cato Inst., et. al. live in an Echo Chamber and repeat the same things.  

That said, there is a need to stop the local efforts of those doing the bidding of billionaires who have a right-wing extremist doctrine.  It is this same doctrine that has shut down our central government in DC and now threatens to dismantle local governing.

It is my understanding the presentation will be at the end of the meeting, so there is no rush to get there at 9 am.  However, no guarantees and who knows what else is on the agenda and how long these will take.

Regardless.  We need to stop this; then get a national referendum on the ballot that says corporations are not protected by the 1st Amendment thereby reducing the vulgar amounts spent on election campaigns.  Please pray, sprinkle holy water, bake matzos, eat pitas, strangle chickens, meditate-whatever your spiritual rites are-that the Court does not eliminate individual political contribution caps, an issue currently before the Supreme Court.


Hope to see many familiar faces there. 

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