Tuesday, May 20, 2014


From Erika Álvarez
This is my first electric bill since I switched to Pear Energy, and only went up about $10. I want to spread the word before FPL builds 2 more nuclear plants.


  1. Erika, What is Pear Energy? How did you switch from FPL?

  2. Pear energy provides wind and solar powered electricity for your home or business with no installation required!!
    It comes through FPL lines, it only takes a phone call to switch. You can choose your energy to come from wind or solar. According to the representative you can switch with other utilities too.

  3. Is there a downside? Do you have power surges or cuts? Do they use the FPL boxes to collect remote data usage?

  4. You continue using FPL wiring and the service of reading, it is the energy source that changes, FPL buys from wind farms or solar farms. I suggest to call them or visit their website. We will have more info in an event soon, that is going to be in alternative energies.
