Monday, August 26, 2013

August 2013 Meeting Preview

from John Debus

 Hi Everyone,

 A reminder of our event this Tuesday evening, 6:30pm to 8:30pm, August 27, 2013 at the American Legion Post #40, 801 S. US1, Fort Pierce, FL. 34950. Please use the front entrance (on US1) and it is the large room on the right side as you come in the front door. Plenty of parking is on the side of the building. We will be hosting local Labor Leaders in honor of our up coming holiday in celebration for all they have fought for and given to the American society.

We have confirmation from leaders of three unions, with the possibility of a couple others, whom will give us information on where they are at and the future of their unions. We will have plenty of time for questions, answers, and discussion. Please come out in support for all the work and sacrifices that have been made in the name of hard working Americans that have built our great country and in honor of Labor Day.

We are now (August) celebrating our (TCPA) one year anniversary, YESSSS we made it. A reminder that some of our beginning (hero's) organizers, membership renewal is now due. We will be sending e-mail out to those people. You can renew at the event or mail in the form with a check to our business address on our web-site. If you are not a member, please consider joining, supporting and helping us continue our programs through our second year. It is very important for us to grow to make a difference and improve our community and world. The action table at our event is set up for groups information, sign-up sheets, up coming events, and petition. All groups will also have 1-3 minutes at the beginning to tell us about yourself. You can also contact Kathy or myself to have your events posted on our web-site. Anyone needing to car pool to the event can contact me and I will do my best to get you a ride

We are planning on having a fall picnic, tentatively 29 September 2013 at Pepper Park on the North Island of Fort Pierce. Please give us feed-back and suggestions on this. Our NEW banner has arrived and will be on display, come and check it out. "My Opinion" program is on going, choose a subject, limit it to 300 words or less and submit it to be read at the end of our event. We want to know how you feel on issues and what you are passionate about. Our events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so bring and/or invite friends and family. Donations are welcome, but not necessary.

Thanks to one of our loyal and dedicated members, we will be giving sets of Occucards to all donations of $3.00 or more to our brochure fund (they sell for $5.00 a set on line) . They are a set of 18 cards on all the top progressive issues with a very colorful picture on the front and all the information on that issue on the back. Their purpose is to educate people on the issues. Great for yourself or a gift to those less informed, "May" turn Tea Party people into Progressive people.

If you care to join and support our organization our membership fees are $15 per person and $20 per family annually. This is what helps maintain our programs, reach out to our community and helps make them aware of our issues and get their support. To join, see Erika at the Event or go to our website.

 We have invited the Rivers Coalition to come and speak at our September Event. Check them out at  There is also a plan for a Keystone Pipeline action to take place in the fall. Jerry and Richard are organizing this action and there will be a sign up sheet at the event. We are also looking for someone to co-chair our Move To Amend committee (get the money out of politics). We may have someone willing to chair but will need assistance or will assist if someone will chair.

Please come out, we need your support to make a difference. We also would like your feed-back on our Events and Organization. So feel free to respond to this e-mail. CHECK OUT OUR WEB-SITE;

 Take Care, Thanks for your support,

 See you Tuesday, John

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