Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Keystone XL Pipeline: Danger to the Environment and the Economy

from Jerry Buechler
photo credit
Dear President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry, and Senator Nelson,
We are not serious about reducing global warming and its huge costs if we allow the investment of $7 billion in a pipeline to bring the most carbon-intensive oil, Tar Sands oil, to the U.S. Gulf for export.  There is no mention in the March 1st U.S. State Department Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) that the Keystone XL pipeline will actually increase costs and U.S. dependence on oil by transporting Canadian oil to gulf refineries for export.
The refineries contracted are all within a Foreign Trade Zone, which will profit from special tax breaks for shipping gasoline and diesel out of our country.  TransCanada’s own analysis, as part of its Canadian permit application, estimates per barrel prices will rise an estimated $3/barrel once the pipeline line is completed due to the fact that large gulf refineries will be refining the tar sands for export rather than Midwest refineries who now refine the tar sands for domestic consumption.  The estimated increased pump price is 3-4 cents/gallon more, plucking an estimated $4 billion out of the pockets of US consumers yearly and giving it to Canadian and multinational oil interests.

The Keystone XL Pipeline is going through the U.S. and not to the U.S.  Needing the KXL for energy independence and for jobs is the repeated lie promoted by big oil and and elected representatives in Congress who fear offending the hand that feeds their campaign coffers.  This was shown in a House vote last year on a Keystone XL proposal called the “Sell-in-America Only” amendment which got voted down by all Republicans while supported by Democrats.  

We import more oil from Canada than any other country.  From a Canadian perspective the problem with the existing tar sands pipelines, which have unused capacity, is they all end in the Midwest and allow one buyer only- the United States.  Most of the tar sands oil is refined into diesel, but U.S. diesel prices average $4/gallon while European prices average $8/gallon. TransCanada, the builder of the existing pipelines, has proposed building and connecting pipelines to west and east coast shipping ports in Canada, but Canadian citizens have consistently opposed the idea.

The fact is the U.S. for the first time since 1949 exported more oil in 2011 than it  imported.  In 2011 shipments abroad of petroleum products exceeded imports by 439,000 barrels a day.  In 2012  the U.S. shipped abroad 350,000 barrels a day more petroleum products than it imported and the Energy Department's estimates for 2013 are 320,000 more barrels per day exported than imported. Global demand for transportation fuels is dramatically up in China, India, and Latin American countries.  Pump prices are rising due to rising global demand and  oil companies with an allegiance to profit rather than the country from which they harvest the oil  Higher pump prices are occurring despite  increased oil production and lower fuel consumption in the U.S.

Where are the jobs?  The 3/1/13 SEIS estimates the creation of 35 permanent jobs.  I come from South Dakota and when the Keystone One pipeline was built through S.D. to Midwest refineries  constructions jobs in abundance were promised. But according to TransCanada’s own data,  just 11% of the construction jobs on the pipeline in S.D. were filled by South Dakotans- most of them temporary, low-paying manual labor jobs.  We need jobs, but not ones which will increase  global warming.  There is no shortage of water and sewage pipelines, bridges and tunnels, transportation and electrical infrastructures that need repair or development.  A carbon tax channeled to energy conservation, electrical grid upgrades, building appropriately placed solar and wind installations, and improving and expanding public transportation could create millions of jobs and as a result reduce air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and save money for Americans by investing in energy efficiency for homes and businesses.

Three years after a tar sand oil spill on Michigan’s Kalamazoo River, clean up costs could surpass $1 billion according to the pipeline builder Enbridge Energy Partners.  More than 800,000 gallons of tar sands oil flowed some 40 miles across wetlands and rivers in July 2010.  Enbridge keeps asking the EPA to delay clean up orders while citizens criticize the slow clean up efforts near their properties.  TransCanada promised that Keystone One would have one leak in 7 years, but there were 12 spills in the first year. TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline will cross through America’s agricultural heartland (250,000 ranches and farms),  and cross over the Ogallala aquifer ( which provides 30% of the agricultural water used in the U.S.), over the Missouri River (and 1400 other waterways), sage grouse habitat, walleye fisheries, and the Right of Way comes within 100 feet of 35 municipal water supplies all of which face potential contamination should we proceed with this folly.

Senator Bill Nelson you recently voted to approve, in a non-binding Senate vote, the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.  After your return from your space flight in 2001 you spoke these words in the Senate supporting W. Virginia Senator Byrd’s legislation on global warming:  “Space is an airless vacuum that goes on and on for billions of light-years.  There in its midst, suspended, is this wonderful creation called planet Earth, our home.  As I would look at the rim of the Earth, I could see what sustains all of our life.  I could see the atmosphere.  As I would look further, I would start to see how we are messing it up.”  In the light of your words I would ask you to reconsider your support for the plunder and destruction of pristine carbon reducing boreal forest in Canada with the potential size of Florida, leaving behind toxic tailing lakes which kill birds and aquatic life and then release global warming carbon and methane as everything in them rots and dies.  Mr. President, Mr. Kerry, and Mr. Nelson are you going to support the 1% or are you going to support carbon reduction and clean air and the millions of jobs that could be created for the 99% by making this country clean energy independent?  CO2 levels went up from 393.54 parts/per/million (ppm) in February 2012 to 396.80 ppm in Feb. 2013 at the Mauna Loa Observatory.  350 ppm is considered safe by scientists, yet at the current rate of increase we will be at 500 ppm in another 30 years.  CO2 was last at 500 ppm 2.5 million years ago and two-thirds of present Florida was underwater.  It is time to stop ignoring the elephant in the room!
Jerry Buechler, St. Lucie County Democrats, V- President
Also Concerned? Speak up at: and  or  call (202)224-5374



From Gregory Wilson
This you tube video could serve as a model for Florida, where residents take charge of their energy needs: 

In the spring of 2012, hundreds of Vermonters submitted short films about Vermont's transition to a sustainable energy future through a statewide project organized by Bright Blue EcoMedia. This is a Mooretown based non-profit company that produced the award winning PBS series Bloom. The film features ordinary people including teachers, students and citizens, as well as key political leaders and advocates such as Senator Bernie Sanders, VT Representative Sarah Edwards, and founder Bill McKibben. It's a video worth watching.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


from John Debus
Hi Everyone,
 Want to remind you of our Event this Tuesday 26 March 6:00pm at our NEW location, the American Legion, 810 S. US1, Ft. Pierce Fl. 34950. It will be on Water & Earth, and will be showing short videos on Keystone Pipeline, Hydraulic Fracturing, Deep Well Injection, and Earth Jurisprudence and have open discussions on these issues. So come on out and join in the conversation and check out our new place, much more room inside with plenty of chairs and plenty of parking. Some have asked about bring wine or other drinks. We can NOT bring alcohol drinks in, however they said that you can purchase a drink at the bar to bring in..We will have water, green tea and popcorn available or bring your own non-alcohol drink and snack.
I want to apologize for missing the introductions of the new people and group presentations at the last Event. I've ask the board members to remind me if I forget and get off track. Our new location will not be as strick on our time, so we can hang around a few minutes to socialize. It was hard to get our stuff packed up and out of the last place in time and try to talk with our members. I believe this will help  make our Events much better. I do want to thank Ellen for getting the clubhouse for us in the past, we would never have made it without it.
We will now have to pay for our meeting place, so as long as we continue to grow we should be fine. However we will have a donation jar out to help cut the cost so we can start doing other things.. We are not asking for everyone to donate, nor are we asking for large donations, but if you have some change, it adds up, and would be greatly appreciated..just collecting $5 or $10 of change each meeting would make
a difference..We are hoping to have brochures made up and a TCPA banner made so we can market our organization and start informing people on progressive issues.
A couple events this weekend;
Call to Action; Future of the Port Saturday 23 March 2013  9:00am to 3:00pm
Rally at Ft. Pierce Post Office, Midway Rd. Sunday 24 March 2013  1:00pm to 3:00pm
Locations and more information is on our web-site;
Also check out our blog from our website and join in with your comments and blogs.
Also we have another GREAT SPEAKER coming in April...will announce at our Event.
Hope to see you all Tuesday

6:00pm, 26 March 2013
American Legion
810 S. US1
Ft. Pierce, Florida


A. Introductions; 6:00pm to 6:15pm
1. Board
2. New People
3. Groups; Your invited to make a 1-3 minute informal presentation on your mission, current or upcoming events, petition efforts, etc. Bring literature and other materials to
share. Information sharing & networking are one of our purposes of the evening.
4. Special Guess

B. Program: 6:15pm to 7:50pm
*Keystone Pipeline XL podcast   8:51
*Proposed Keystone Pipeline prompts protest march, debate  11:24
Speaker; Jerry Buechler
*What is Fracking   2:11
*The Dangers of Hydrofracking  2:31
*The Fracking song- big oil&gas
*Injection Well Controversy  2:04
* Fracking Wastewater well linked to Ohio earthquake  :34
Speaker: John Debus
*Center for Earth Jurisprudence, overview  9:44
Speaker; Rev. Gregory Wilson

C. “My Opinion”; 7:50pm to 8:00pm

D. Closing of Event.

Friday, March 22, 2013


The Rally is at the Ft. Pierce Post Office, 5000 W. Midway Road Ft. Pierce, Fl. 34981

1:00pm to 3:00pm Sunday 24 March, 2013
bring your signs or just come on out and help
support our Postal Workers.
Help Save Saturday Mail Delivery, Jobs At The US Postal Service.


Postal Facts
The Postal Service is Facing Financial Uncertainty… USPS faces a serious budget crisis and must seek to increase its revenue and carefully reduce overhead expenses. The explosion of electronic communication has permanently changed how the world connects, and the Postal Service must adapt to that change.
But this crisis is not simply the result of increased Internet usage and a tough economy, as you might think. Despite the worst recession in 80 years, the Postal Service has done well operationally. In fiscal years 2007 through 2010, it had a net operational profit of $611 million delivering the mail.


ATTENTION:  Call To Action
Fort Pierce Master Plan Update Public Workshop
Date: Saturday, March 23, 2013
Start Time: 9:00 am   End Time: 1:00 pm
(Time Zone: US/Eastern)

LocationHavert L Fenn Center (map)

Category: Meeting / WorkshopDescription
Public input is vital to the process of determining the Port of Fort Pierce’s future, including identification of projects that may be eligible for state funding.

Those wishing additional information about the March 23 workshop may contact Pamela Adams of Adams Consulting Group Inc. via email at or by phone at 954-764-8500.

Contact: Pamela Adams 

Monday, March 18, 2013


Theme of talk on March 26, and the mission statement of present work and next year's conference:   
 by Helen Wilson
 Most of humanity lives in a state of being dislocated from extended family, tribe, community, and the earth itself. The "normal" human response to living this way is addiction. Addicted persons are less able to organize their lives to become involved in political actions that would enable them to bring the out-of-control corporations back under the control of the people (democracy). Corporations control the political process, and thus are controlling most of the decisions about the lives of people and other inhabitants of the earth (including entities like forests, mountains, rivers, and springs). Their decisions are destroying the environment, and causing further dislocation. What is needed is first an understanding of this cycle of dislocation (addiction), uncontrolled corporate power, environmental destruction, leading to more dislocation. Then, concerted efforts in all three areas: Create/maintain a healthful and healing environment; recover from addictions and re-engage in community/political life; and restore human rights to humans and return corporations to serving the common good. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


From Erika Alvarez
Cuando pregunté a mis amigos del ashram sobre las viudas de Vrindavan, ninguno supo de qué estaba hablando. Para ellos Vrindavan es la ciudad del joven Krishna, han viajado hasta allí para sentirse cerca de su Dios, y fuera de ello nada más importa. “La ciudad de las viudas” y “La ciudad de Krishna” son dos realidades diferentes que conviven de forma paralela, al mismo tiempo y en el mismo lugar, pero sin tocarse.
Esto explica que el día que llegué me resultase imposible dar con el color blanco. Los alrededores del templo de ISKCON son territorio de devotos, canticos y velas, no de quienes han sido condenados al ostracismo y la muerte social. Porque ese es el destino que aguarda a las viudas en India: la muerte en vida. El rito del satí que las obligaba a inmolarse en la pira funeraria de su marido fue abolido bajo la dominación británica en 1829, pero en la práctica el castigo por haberle sobrevivido es aún peor que la propia muerte.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


From Reverend Gregory Wilson 
From where do we derive our rights as people?
Is it from the government, the constitution, or the bill of rights?
If it is from any of these, they can be taken away, modified, have their meaning changed, or enforced for a particular group. What if our rights were derived from the seventh principle of the Unitarian Universalist faith which: affirms and promotes respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
What if, simply being a part of the interdependent web of existence was the source of our rights? Then no king, queen, president, or legislative body could take or alter the meaning of our rights.

Monday, March 4, 2013


From Rev. Gregory Wilson

The earth -- and her people -- are disturbed and stressed and cry out. What are the issues we need to focus on? Issues of beliefs, moral preferences, and social values affect how we are governed. How the country is actually governed determines how we live day to day. Helping the earth to heal is not related to social or religious issues. What if you win politically and the law supports your religious position, but you can not take your grandchild to the Indian River Lagoon to fish or swim because it is dead? What if you win politically and choice for women is restricted, while corporations get the right to vote, and human citizens no longer matter in our representative democracy because our representatives represent The Corporation? Each of us has only so much life energy and only so much time to spend on activism and to fulfill our civic responsibility. The process of governing is beyond our two party system and most Americans agree the process of governing is defined by the Constitution. This is where we need to focus: the process of the Constitution and the life process of the planet. We, as humans, need to be healthy and we need a healthy planet in order to nurture our families and communities' well-being. We need a say in our government and the health of the planet. We need space to nurture our spirituality and connect with nature and those around us.


From Roger Lavigne


Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Left Labor Project is honored to be participating,along with the United Federation of Teachers and The Chicago Teachers Union,in a panel discussion on Friday March 15th at 6:00 PM in New York City entitled "Unions and Communities Working Together For Our Schools".
The panel will feature Karen Lewis, President of the Chicago Teachers Union, who led the successful Chicago teachers strike, and Michael Mulgrew, President of the United Federation of Teachers. 
At a time of unrelenting attack on our education system,on teachers,and on all working people,the Chicago teachers strike was an example of unions and communities working together for a major victory. It is an important experience that this event allows us to share and discuss.
We would like to emphasize the importance of RSVPing. We expect a full house and admission will be available ONLY to those who register in advance.
In Solidarity,
Larry Moskowitz

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 2013 Update

From John Debus

Hi Everyone,

I'm a little late getting this out, I've been very busy and a lot has been going on.
First I like to thank all who came out in support of David Cobb and Move to Amend.
I believe that everyone had a GREAT time and that the presentation was OUTSTANDING.
He showed clearly why we need the Amendment to our Constitution in order to bring
Democracy back to our country. If you missed it, well some of the members that were there
can give you an up-date, but not like David. Erika recorded the Event, but the sound was not too clear. We may try to put it on Facebook.

We had our quarterly board meeting and decided to go with the American Legion as our
new meeting place. They have plenty of room and chairs. However, we will have to set them
up and put them away. So if anyone would like to come a couple minutes early to help, that
would be greatly appreciated. We also discussed getting a TCPA banner for table events, and
developing brochures to market our organization to help us grow. We also talked about filing our annual corporation report, our cost and budget. Since we now have to pay for our meeting place, we decided to curb all expenses until next quarter after we file our organization report.

I have been going to other organizations' meetings along the Treasure Coast to see how we can
help one another. It seems that many are short on support. People are not coming out and being actively involved with helping to make things better in our community and country. I know many of us are just trying to get by and put food on the table and a roof over our family's head. We don't always have the time and energy, but I urge everyone to TRY to commit to a couple of hours a month, or one or two meetings in support of other organizations to help make this a better community and build a better world for ourselves, our children and a better future for our planet. Besides, you do need a break once in a while, and there is nothing like the support and friendship of like-minded people working for great causes.

Our next Event;  6:00pm 26 March 2013
                           American Legion Post #40
                           810 S. US1
                           Ft. Pierce, Fl. 34950
Any questions or problems, you can ALWAYS contract me at any time. My contact info is on the website. Come on out and check the new place out.

Hope to see all at the next Event,


from Erika Alvarez

On my recent trip to Asia I had the opportunity to witness first hand a protest in the streets of Kathmandu on February 14th. At that moment I was in a taxi and it was diverted to other roads because the Occupiers were marching. My heart jumped but I was unable to have the driver to turn towards the protest, but I saw the people with Nepalese flags. Later, I read in the paper that the protest was focused in women rights. Talking to the driver in half English, I learned that they still practice arranged marriages, 50% of the time, but if you marry without your parents consent you are banned from seeing the family ever again. The father of the groom has to provide money or goods worth about $2,000 in rupees. Curious.
   Click here to learn more about the VAW protest.

March's Meeting 2013

from John:
Monthly Event
Videos, Speakers and Discussion
Come listen to our speakers, watch the videos join the discussion and share your experiences as we discuss Earth Rights, Hydraulic Fracturing, Deep Well Injection, and Keystone Pipeline.
Our Events are FREE and open to the public.
They are Social, Net Working and Educational Events.
Come out, listen, voice your opinion, and join us. The Event will be at 6:00 pm, March 26, 2013 at the American Legion Post #40, 810 S. US 1, Ft.Pierce Fl. 34950
For more information contact:                                       
John Debus 772-349-5328                                                        
Roger Lavigne 772-528-5311                                                       
Web site;                                            